职称: 教授 博导
职务: 太阳成集团 科技处 副处长
系所: 网络空间安全系
电子邮件: zwei@ynu.edu.cn, zhouweiyd@hotmail.com
主要从事计算机领域的网络空间安全、分布式云计算研究。2008年毕业于中国科学院研究生院(中国科学院计算机网络信息中心),获得计算机软件与理论博士学位,师从阎保平研究员。2016.8-2017.8 在美国佐治亚理工 计算机学院访学,合作老师 Calton Pu教授(IEEE, AAAS Fellow)。目前担任中国通信学会会士、云南省通信学会理事、中国计算机学会安全专业组委员、中国中文信息学会大数据与隐私保护专业组委员,云南省中青年学术和技术带头人后备人才。2016年获得太阳成集团伍达观优秀教师奖,2017年入选太阳成集团青年英才计划。主持多项国家自然科学基金项目。近五年发表多篇SCI/EI检索文章,相关文章发表在《IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing》、《IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering》、《IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics》、《IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems》、《IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement》、《Computer&Security》、《PNAS》、《软件学报》、《计算机研究与发展》等期刊上。出版中文书籍1本。获邀担任十多家国际学术期刊的审稿人。
随着物联网、大数据、人工智能的兴起,支持高效、安全的信息应用面临极大挑战, 本课题组测重于顺应网络空间安全、人工智能的发展趋势,旨在通过严格的数学证明、算法设计、架构开发,研究、提出、并开发高效的解决方案。当前的主要研究方向是:
[1]. Song Gao, Ruxin Wang, Xiaoxuan Wang, Shui Yu, Fellow, IEEE, Yunyun Dong,
Shaowen Yao, Wei Zhou*.(2023): Detecting Adversarial Examples on Deep Neural Networks with Mutual Information Neural Estimation,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, (CCF A)
[2]. Haoran Li, Jinhong Zhang, Song Gao, Liwen Wu, Wei Zhou and Ruxin Wang*.(2022): Towards Query-limited Adversarial Attack on Graph Neural Networks, ICTAI 2022, (CCF C)
[3]. Fanxiao Li,Renyang Liu,Zhenli He*,Song Gao,Yunyun Dong and Wei Zhou. (2022): RIA: A Reversible Network-based Imperceptible Adversarial Attack, ICTAI 2022, (CCF C)
[4]. Shenghong He, Ruxin Wang, , Tongliang Liu, , Chao Yi, Xin Jin, Renyang Liu, Wei Zhou*.(2022): Type-I Generative Adversarial Attack,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, (CCF A)
.[5]. Li Cai, Haoyu Wang, Cong Sha, Fang Jiang, Yihan Zhang, Wei Zhou*.(2022): The Mining of Urban Hotspots Based on Multi-source Location Data Fusion, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, doi: 10.1109/TKDE.2021.3109581. (CCF A)
[6]. Jianan Feng, Qian Jiang, Ching-Hsun Tseng, Xin Jin*, Ling Liu, Shaowen Yao, Wei Zhou(2022): A Deep Multitask Convolutional Neural Network for Remote Sensing Image Super-resolution and Colorization, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
[7]. Qian Jiang, Shinjye Lee, Xiaojun Zeng, Xin Jin, Jingyu Hou, Wei Zhou, Shaowen Yao.(2022): A Multi-focus Image Fusion Scheme Based on Similarity Measure of Transformed Isosceles Triangles between Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement
[8].Xin Jin, Yide Di, Qian Jiang, Xing Chu, Qing Duan, Shaowen Yao, Wei Zhou*(2022):, Image Colorization Using Deep Convolutional Auto-Encoder with Multi-Skip Connections, Soft Computing
[9]. Haiyang Chen, Weiqiang Wang, Xingzhou Zhang, Wei Zhou,Weisong Shi. (2022): LightOcean: A Lightweight And Efficient Network For Real-time UAV Tracking, UIC 2022, (CCF C).
[10]. Weiqiang Wang, Haiyang Chen, Xingzhou Zhang, Wei Zhou*,Weisong Shi. . (2022): Aprus: An Airborne Altitude-Adaptive Purpose-Related UAV System for Object Detection, HPCC 2022, (CCF C)
[11]. Bingbing Song, Haiyang Chen, Jiashun Suo, Wei Zhou*.(2022): Low-power Robustness Learning Framework for Adversarial Attack on Edges, MSN 2022 , (CCF C)
[12]. Xiaoke Zhu, Qi Zhang, Ling Liu, T aining Cheng, Shaowen Yao, Wei Zhou*, and Jing He*.(2021): DLB: Deep Learning Based Load Balancing. IEEE CLOUD2021
[13]. Jiashun Suo, Xingzhou Zhang, Shilei Zhang, Wei Zhou*, Weisong Shi ,.(2021): Feasibility Analysis of Machine Learning Optimization on GPU-based Low-cost Edges, UIC 2021: International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing
[14].Chihao Zhang, Yang Yang, Wei Zhou and Shihua Zhang.(2021): Distributed Bayesian Matrix Decomposition for Big Data Mining and Clustering. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/TKDE.2020.3029582. (CCF A)
[15].宋冰冰,张浩,吴子峰,刘俊晖,梁宇,周维* (2021):自动化张量分解加速卷积神经网络[J]. 软件学报. (CCF 中文 A)
[16]. Wenyu Peng, Renyang Liu, RuxinWang, Taining Cheng, ZifengWu, Li Cai, Wei Zhou*.(2021): EnsembleFool: A Method to Generate Adversarial Examples Based on Model Fusion Strategy. Computers&Security. (CCF B)
[17]. Xin Jin, Dongming Zhou, Qian Jiang, Xing Chu, Shaowen Yao, Keqin Li, Wei Zhou*. (2021): How to Analyze the Neurodynamic Characteristics of Pulse-Coupled Neural Networks? A Theoretical Analysis and Case Study of Intersecting Cortical Model. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics.
[18]. Zhe Cheng,Lin Liu, Guoliang Lin, Chao Yi, Xing Chu, Yu Liang, Wei Zhou* and Xin Jin*. (2021): ReHiC: Enhancing Hi-C Data Resolution via Residual Convolutional Network, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
[19]. Sai Zhang, Jin Li, Wei Zhou, Tong Li, Yang Zhang, Jingru Wang. (2020): Higher-Order Proximity-based MiRNA-Disease Associations Prediction. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics.
[20]. Xin Jin, Qian Jiang, Xing Chu, Xun Lang, Shaowen Yao, Keqin Li, and Wei Zhou*(2020): Brain Medical Image Fusion Using L2-Norm-Based Features and Fuzzy-Weighted Measurements in 2D Littlewood-Paley EWT Domain, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement.
[21]. Jin Li, Sai Zhang, Tao Liu, Chenxi Ning, Zhuoxuan Zhang and Wei Zhou*.(2020): Neural Inductive Matrix Completion with Graph Convolutional Networks for miRNA-disease Association Prediction. Bioinformatics. (CCF B,ESI高被引论文)
[22]. Xing Chen, Jun Zhao, Yanhua Chen, Wei Zhou*,Alice*.(2020): utomatic standardized processing and identification of tropical bat calls using deep learning approache. Biological Conservation
[23]. Lin Liu, Lin Tang, Xin Jin, Wei Zhou*(2019).A multi-label supervised topic model conditioned on 2 arbitrary features for gene function prediction. Genes.
[24]. Lin Tang, Yu Liang, Xin Jin, Lin Liu and Wei Zhou*.(2019): Hierarchical Extension Based on the Boolean Matrix for LncRNADisease Association Prediction. Current Molecular Medicine.
[25]. Li Cai, Fang Jiang, Wei Zhou*.(2019): Design and Application of an Attractiveness Index for Urban Hotspots Based on GPS Trajectory Data. IEEE Access
[26]. 刘琳,唐麟,唐明靖,周维*.(2019): 基于布尔矩阵分解的蛋白质功能预测框架, , 《计算机研究与发展》
[27]. Lin Liu, Lin Tang, Mingjing Tang, Wei Zhou*.(2018): A partially function-to-topic model for protein function prediction. BMC Genomics
[28]. Qi Zhang, Ling Liu, Calton Pu, Qiwei Dou, Liren Wu, Wei Zhou*.(2018):A Comparative Study of Containers and Virtual Machines in Big Data Environment. IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD)
[29]. Wenkun Xiang, Hao Zhang, Rui Cui, Chu Xing, Keqin Li, Shaowen Yao, and Wei Zhou*.(2018):Pavo: A RNN-based learned inverted index, supervised or unsupervised?. IEEE Access
[30]. Keren Zhou ; Guangming Tan ; Wei Zhou*.(2017): Quadboost: A Scalable Concurrent Quadtree, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
[31]. Wei Zhou, Ling Liu, Calton Pu, Tao Zhu, Qingyang Wang, Wenkun Xiang, Shaowen Yao.(2017): An Experimental Study of a Biosequence Big Data Analysis Service. ICWS2017
[32]. Wei Zhou, Ruilin Li, Shuo Yuan, ChangChun Liu, Shaowen Yao, Jing Luo, Beifang Niu. (2017): MetaSpark: a spark-based distributed processing tool to recruit metagenomic reads to reference genomes. Bioinformatics.
[33]. Jing Liu, Yunyun Wu, Xuezheng Liu, Yunchun Zhang, Gang Xue, Wei Zhou, Shaowen Yao. (2017): On the (In)Security of Recent Group Key Distribution Protocols. The Computer Journal.
[34]. Lin Liu, Lin Liu, Lin Tang, Wen Dong, Shaowen Yao, Wei Zhou*. (2016): An overview of topic modeling and its current applications in bioinformatics. SpringerPlus.
[35]. Jing He, Yue Wu, Yunyun Dong, Yunchun Zhang, Wei Zhou*.(2016): Dynamic multidimensional index for large-scale cloud data. Journal of Cloud Computing.
[36]. 周维, 周可人, 栾钟治, 姚绍文, 钱德沛. (2016): 基于共享内存的多核时代数据结构研究[J]. 《软件学报》.
[37]. Guoliang Lin, Jing Chai, Yuan Shuo , Chao Mai , Li Cai, Robert Murphy, Wei Zhou* , Jing Luo*. (2016): VennPainter: A Tool for the Comparison and Identification of Candidate Genes Based on Venn Diagrams. PloS one.
[38]. 周维, 路径, 周可人, 王世普, 姚绍文. (2015): 基于并发跳表的云数据处理双层索引架构研究.《计算机研究与发展》.
[39]. Wei Zhou, Jin Lu, Zhongzhi Luan, Shipu Wang, Gang Xue, Shaowen Yao. (2014): SNB-index: a SkipNet and B+ tree based auxiliary Cloud index. Cluster Computing.
1. Hadoop2.0-YARN核心技术实践,清华大学出版社,主编,2015.8
2. Design, Performance and Analysis of Innovative information Retrieval. Published in USA by Information Science Reference. 2012.9
Chapter 26, An overview of business process management, page 373-381,Wei Zhou, Yixuan Zhou,
1. 发明专利授权公布文本 WLP13114 (一种云环境下可扩展存储索引结构的实现方法)
2. 一种卷烟柔性制丝动态调度方法及其系统-专利授予
(1)、国家自然科学基金,“开放环境下神经网络脆弱性研究”, 主持,2022.1-2025.12
(3)、国家自然科学基金,“Hadoop云存储中基于Ordinal Bloom filter的多维索引关键技术研究”, 主持,2014.1-2017.12
(4)、国家自然科学基金,“多核时代高并发树型结构关键技术研究”,主持, 2016.1-2016.12
(5)、国家自然科学基金,“分布式环境下高阶张量分解关键技术研究”, 主持, 2018.1-2021.12
(6)、国家基金 重大研究计划 培育项目, “异源杂交多倍化鲫鲤初期不同世代的遗传变化规律研究”,参与, 排名第二
(7)、国家基金 重大研究计划,“异源杂交鲫鲤体系不同世代基因组初期变化及其遗传稳定性研究”,参与,排名第二
(8)、横向项目 “红云红河集团 曲靖卷烟厂新制丝线工艺应用研究”项目,主持
(2)2011年第四届Intel全国老员工软件创新大赛 优秀指导老师
(4)2016年 太阳成集团伍达观教育基金 优秀教师
(5)2017年 获太阳成集团 青年英才计划
(6)2019年 入选云南省中青年学术技术带头人后备人才
担任中国通信学会会士、云南省通信学会理事、中国计算机学会安全专业组委员,中国中文信息处理学会大数据与隐私保护专业组委员,获邀担任杂志 《IEEE transactions on computer》、《计算机学报》等审稿专家。ICDCS2017 local chair,
美国杜克大学 (Ph.D. Candidate) 、CMU卡内基梅隆(博士后)、威廉玛丽(Ph.D Candidate)、Rice大学(Ph.D Candidate)、中科院计算所、北京大学、百度、阿里,腾讯,滴滴等。
长期招聘全职和在职博士后,全职博士后待遇不低于20万/每年,详细情况参见 太阳成集团人事处网站 太阳成集团系统科学一级学科博士后流动站。